Fooling myself?
2011 August 05
Created by Billy 13 years ago
I have been coming in off the night shift, and despite it being almost six months since I lost my dearest Allan, I still come in with the hope that I'll find him sitting in the living room having a coffee, or sitting up in bed, listening to his radio shows on his MP3 player. You know, it was good just to know that I had someone to come home to. For all the years I had lived here, I'd never felt that. Then I met Allan...
I remember how I used to spend time in Allan's place in the village, and when he used to come in the back gate from work for lunch, or at the end of the working day, he'd have that big smile on his face! I really enjoyed being Allan's "someone to come home to" and I hope he enjoyed being mine!
Every day presents new challenges, new fears and expectations, but one thing I DO know is that I will never feel the same again,