The bracelet

2012 September 22

Created by Billy 11 years ago
For Christmas 2010, Allan bought me a silver identity bracelet, amongst other things. I'm not that much of a jewellery lover, and have only worn it occasionally since. However, I woke up in the early hours of the morning and noticed it was sitting in its box on top of the chest of drawers. Don't know why I noticed that thing in particular, I just did; but it was kinda strange... So I wore it during the day and it made me feel a bit sad but also more than a bit happy because he went and got it engraved for me. I treasure the one I gave him on our first Valentines day together, but it's so precious that I have it in its box stored along with his engagement ring. Maybe Allan was telling me to wear the bracelet in memory of him - not that I need anything to remember him, but I have to say it felt GOOD! Sometimes I get the message, but not all of it.