Oh mobile, where are you?

2012 March 03

Created by Billy 12 years ago
I'm changing mobile networks, and there's an overlap, so I've got two mobiles at the moment. The other night I went in to do a night shift, and I had my 2 phones with me. Come the morning however, I couldn't find one of them and despite searching everywhere I could think of, phoning it and listening for it ringing, I just couldn't find it anywhere. Now you'd think that's bad enough, losing a phone, but it was the phone Allan had bought for me when I dropped my old one in the bath, I think it was early 2009 (before you say anything, do you take yours into the bathroom? Hmm? Yeah, thought so lol). My lovely Allan thought of me and arranged something nice. What a man. But the REALLY important thing is that precious texts from Allan, including the last ones he sent me were on that phone. I just couldn't see how I could have lost it. I was very unhappy, but then I thought that maybe this was Allan telling me not to dwell in the past, good though it was, and look towards the future... The mystery was solved when it transpired that one of my colleagues from the back shift lifted it by mistake and we were reunited on Friday night. I have resolved that this phone will now stay in the house, probably in the box where I keep treasured mementos. It's far too precious to risk losing or damaging again.